About Us

The Unladylike Lounge was founded as a local women’s empowerment Facebook group in Midwestern United states, geared towards those who don’t quite fit the prim and proper cookie cutter standards of other women’s groups. Although the vision was small, the group quickly gained popularity, reaching a membership of over 1k in it’s first week. Today, it has a nearly 8.5k following, spanning over 60 countries. The Lounge has been quite accurately described as “being in a bar bathroom with drunk ladies being so nice to each other,…”. Since it’s inception, The Unladylike Lounge has transformed into an online retail LLC, specializing in adult novelty products, as well as a globally ranked podcast!


For all podcast inquiries, select the podcast email option. For all other inquiries, select the auntiecubana email option, and I will respond as soon as possible!